Raggedy Friends- Sweet Cindy of Thimbleprim Studios is having a Christmas Raggedy doll Give-Away: Miss Cranberrie. And she's so sweet and gorgeous! Go check her out! She's so sweet!
Cindy is also hosting 2 swaps. 1 is for a Christmas Ornament swap. the other 1 is a Frog Doll swap. How Enchanting is that?! But you gotta hurry - sign ups close soon so she can pair up partners and so you can start on your projects! You've got a bit over a month to do both! Swing by and give Cindy some Bloggin' Luv! Tell her AwtemNymf sent ya!
PS- October is almost here!! WoOhOo!
Hugs & Blessings!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
October is almost here .... WoOhOo !
October is almost here . . .
My Favorite month!!!
And I've got some ideas brewing for a Raggedy Ann Blog Party . . . because the party continues!
Details Coming Soon . . . Stay Tuned!
My Favorite month!!!
And I've got some ideas brewing for a Raggedy Ann Blog Party . . . because the party continues!
Details Coming Soon . . . Stay Tuned!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Give- Away Winners . . .
Today is the day to reveal the Give Away Winners .....

But first I want to say "Thank You" big bunches for celebrating with me and Raggedy friends. I had a lot of fun putting this event together! So worth it!
I also enjoyed visiting each and every one of your Blogs. (I think I got everyone)
I hope to host this event again next year as long as there's interest! I know I had a blast! Cuppycakes were perfect!
This Annie is excited because she knows WHO won! And she's full of giggles because she can't stand the excitement any longer....

It must be contagious - because I have the case of the giggles too!
So without further ado .... here's the list of Winners ...
Congratulations !!!
I will be contacting the Winners! :O) I'll be leaving a comment on Winners' Blog. I will also see if I can locate emails! If I have trouble locating anyone- I will make note of it and post it here!
EDIT: everyone has been contacted via email ! THANK YOU!
Edit 2: * = Shipment is ready!
Edit 3: Yay - All Winners are accounted for!
I will ship out prizes on Saturday Sept. 19th! WoOhOo!
Edit 4: All packages/envelopes have been sent with Confirmation Delivery which can be provided upon request! :O)
Edit 5: ** = Rcv'd Prize
"Followers" Winner: 1 yard of Raggedy Annie print fabric
*** Diane Lavender Dreams
"Lucky 7" Winners:
* Dawn won Belindy Pattern by: My Raggedy Dolls
*** Denni won Buddies Pattern #1193 by: The Cats Pyjamas
* Cheryl won Spring Thyme Annie Pattern by: Prindle Mountain
*** Irma won The Birthday Girl Pattern by: Homespun Hugs & Calico Kisses
*** Lisa won Simply Ann Pattern by: Homespun from the Heart
*** Sherry won Big Sis Pattern by: Cat & the Fiddle
*** Nancy won Shweet Potato Flying Fairies Pattern by: Always Crafty 2
Special "Blog Button" Winner: Angel Annies Light the Way Pattern by: SnuggleBug Prim Blessins
* Sue
"Xtra" Prize Winner: Birthday Girl Pattern by Raggedy Old Annies.
*** Mary
* Custom "Birthday Annie" doll made by Me Winner:
* Sandy M
Sandy - This Annie will be on her way to you! I hope you like her!

And a close up . . .

I am now going to contact the Winners so I can get your mailing addresses and send your stuff out to you! I'm making a Post Office run this Saturday Sept. 19th!
I hope you like what you've won! I had a lot of fun rounding up the prizes!
A huge Thank you to the Raggedy Annie pattern creators for granting me permission to purchase your patterns and pass them on to some Lucky Winners! Y'all Rawk!
Also a huge Thank You to Carm for the awesome and shweet custom Raggedy Ann graphic for the Blog Party! Love ya Gurl!
Thanks again for celebrating with me! I hope you'll join me next time.
Before I go- Sandi had a great suggestion - to leave this blog up all year round. I had already planned on that. :O) Us Raggedy gals gotta stick together!
Sandi also suggested (with the help of some whispering 14 mini Annies she was working on at the time) that maybe we can have themed parties like Halloween and Holidays. She's right- what Annie doesn't like to get dolled up in their sweetest dresses or outfits? Good point!!
I had so much fun with this.... and I LOVE Halloween (I think Sandi knew that as well) so I just may have to host a Halloween Blog party. Thanks Sandi for the suggestion! Hmmmm .. *thinks...ponders*
Credits: ~ Graphic made by Carm of Shweet Potato
But first I want to say "Thank You" big bunches for celebrating with me and Raggedy friends. I had a lot of fun putting this event together! So worth it!
I also enjoyed visiting each and every one of your Blogs. (I think I got everyone)
I hope to host this event again next year as long as there's interest! I know I had a blast! Cuppycakes were perfect!
This Annie is excited because she knows WHO won! And she's full of giggles because she can't stand the excitement any longer....

It must be contagious - because I have the case of the giggles too!
So without further ado .... here's the list of Winners ...
Congratulations !!!
I will be contacting the Winners! :O) I'll be leaving a comment on Winners' Blog. I will also see if I can locate emails! If I have trouble locating anyone- I will make note of it and post it here!
EDIT: everyone has been contacted via email ! THANK YOU!
Edit 2: * = Shipment is ready!
Edit 3: Yay - All Winners are accounted for!
I will ship out prizes on Saturday Sept. 19th! WoOhOo!
Edit 4: All packages/envelopes have been sent with Confirmation Delivery which can be provided upon request! :O)
Edit 5: ** = Rcv'd Prize
"Followers" Winner: 1 yard of Raggedy Annie print fabric
*** Diane Lavender Dreams
"Lucky 7" Winners:
* Dawn won Belindy Pattern by: My Raggedy Dolls
*** Denni won Buddies Pattern #1193 by: The Cats Pyjamas
* Cheryl won Spring Thyme Annie Pattern by: Prindle Mountain
*** Irma won The Birthday Girl Pattern by: Homespun Hugs & Calico Kisses
*** Lisa won Simply Ann Pattern by: Homespun from the Heart
*** Sherry won Big Sis Pattern by: Cat & the Fiddle
*** Nancy won Shweet Potato Flying Fairies Pattern by: Always Crafty 2
Special "Blog Button" Winner: Angel Annies Light the Way Pattern by: SnuggleBug Prim Blessins
* Sue
"Xtra" Prize Winner: Birthday Girl Pattern by Raggedy Old Annies.
*** Mary
* Custom "Birthday Annie" doll made by Me Winner:
* Sandy M
Sandy - This Annie will be on her way to you! I hope you like her!
And a close up . . .
I am now going to contact the Winners so I can get your mailing addresses and send your stuff out to you! I'm making a Post Office run this Saturday Sept. 19th!
I hope you like what you've won! I had a lot of fun rounding up the prizes!
A huge Thank you to the Raggedy Annie pattern creators for granting me permission to purchase your patterns and pass them on to some Lucky Winners! Y'all Rawk!
Also a huge Thank You to Carm for the awesome and shweet custom Raggedy Ann graphic for the Blog Party! Love ya Gurl!
Thanks again for celebrating with me! I hope you'll join me next time.
Before I go- Sandi had a great suggestion - to leave this blog up all year round. I had already planned on that. :O) Us Raggedy gals gotta stick together!
Sandi also suggested (with the help of some whispering 14 mini Annies she was working on at the time) that maybe we can have themed parties like Halloween and Holidays. She's right- what Annie doesn't like to get dolled up in their sweetest dresses or outfits? Good point!!
I had so much fun with this.... and I LOVE Halloween (I think Sandi knew that as well) so I just may have to host a Halloween Blog party. Thanks Sandi for the suggestion! Hmmmm .. *thinks...ponders*
Credits: ~ Graphic made by Carm of Shweet Potato
Blog Party,
Raggedy Ann,
2009 Party Hoppers . . .
I hope no one minds that I keep names of my 2009 Party Hoppers?? I had a lot of fun and us Raggedy Gals gotta stick together!
I'd like to visit and invite y'all again when the next event happens.
If you wish to be removed - let me know and I'll take care of it!
~ Carm ~ Susan
~ Viv ~ Angie
~ Dawn ~ Jacqueline
~ Irma ~ MaryJo
~ Courtney ~ Carla
~ Lisa ~ Diane
~ Sandi ~ Sandi
~ Ancient One ~ Julie
~ Cheryl ~ Dawn
~ Melissa ~ Grace
~ Missy ~ Deb
~ Sandra ~ Denni
~ Nancy ~ Aunt Pitty Pat
~ Sandy ~ Harley
~ Cathy Jean ~ Cindy
~ Sandy ~ Diana
~ Cyndi ~ JaJa
~ Melody ~ Naomi
~ Julie ~ Tammy
~ Jennifer ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
I'd like to visit and invite y'all again when the next event happens.
If you wish to be removed - let me know and I'll take care of it!
~ Carm ~ Susan
~ Viv ~ Angie
~ Dawn ~ Jacqueline
~ Irma ~ MaryJo
~ Courtney ~ Carla
~ Lisa ~ Diane
~ Sandi ~ Sandi
~ Ancient One ~ Julie
~ Cheryl ~ Dawn
~ Melissa ~ Grace
~ Missy ~ Deb
~ Sandra ~ Denni
~ Nancy ~ Aunt Pitty Pat
~ Sandy ~ Harley
~ Cathy Jean ~ Cindy
~ Sandy ~ Diana
~ Cyndi ~ JaJa
~ Melody ~ Naomi
~ Julie ~ Tammy
~ Jennifer ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Birthday To Y-O-U . . .
It's your Birthday Annie!!! Happy Birthday!
Thanks for celebrating "America's Sweetheart" Raggedy Annie's Birthday with me folks!

I've got cuppycakes for y'all!
Special Surprise: Shweet Carm who made my graphic for me- is also giving a FREE Raggedy Ann graphic on her blog! Save/Upload to your computer! Thank you so much Carm! A link to her blog is on the Party-Goers list on the right of my blog! :O)
I have loved this red-headed cutie since I laid my eyes on my Gramma L's Raggedy Annie. I don't what kind it was, but I know it was a vintage one. She wouldn't let me play with that one, but she had another one that I was allowed to play with. We had lots of tea parties, pretend school days where I was the teacher and Annie was the student, lots of walks in the park with my Gramma L. Gramma had one of those vintage baby strollers that looked a lot like this one ...

that she let me push around. Annie went on a stroll with us! I have fond memories of Gramma L. I Thank her for introducing me to Raggedy Annie :O)
Here's my collection of Raggedy Annies ... Click on the pic to zoom out

So sorry it's not the best, but it's kinda hard to take a digital photo when you have the light source in front of you and the blinds are horitzontal. It kept making the background look all fuzzy. I kept having to retake pictures, but this was the best out of the bunch!
In the Back Row at the ends- I have the big Raggedy Ann and Andy!
Then from the left-
* Annie in a green Christmas sweater w/ snowman - was gifted to me by my husband. He found it in a gift shop.
* Annie in her classic blue print dress and white apron. Also a gift from my hubby.
* Andy with a stain on his right side of the face- I found that at a yard sale. They were gonna throw it out and I didn't have the heart to pass it up. He was pleading to be rescued so I did! The tag is gone so I can't for sure say what brand he was.
* Annie with the missing hair in the front (kinda a bald spot) is an "Applause" style Annie. I bought her off of eBay when I was first scouting for Raggedy Ann collectibles.
* Annie & Andie set in burgundy outfits - I bought these from a woman who was going to give them away. They're custom made. They have matching burgundy outfits! Low key Prim. Cute!
* Annie in her Christmas outfit and white apron. She came with a small plastic ornament, which I can't for the life of me find. Hmmmm!
* Custom made Andy. I don't remember where I found this one. He has orange hair. A cutie! The girls like him *winks*
* Prim Annie with no shoes or stockings - Folks - don't laugh, but this is the first Annie I made years ago. It was a pattern by Ragg Bagg Babies. I made this one in 2001 Wow!
* Annie in pink. She is wearing pajamas and fluffy slippers. She has a small oatmeal teddy bear attached to her hand. This was a gift from my daughter! I have 2 *lol*
Front Row . . . from left to right
* Tiny Annie came with the Christmas Annie. Now that I am remembering all of these- it also came with an ornament, that I mentioned above - that I can't find, and I think it came with a story book too. Hmmm- I will have to look for this this year!
* My adorable pinkeep that I won at Cyndi's give away!
* My Breanna also made by Cyndi's blog give-away! I just love this to pieces!!
* Annie made by Nadine. We were partners in Aunt Pitty Pats Sugar & Spice Round 1 swap. She has a sweet faerie fabric outfit with matching bag.
* Annie made by Carla. We were partners for APP's Sugar & Spice Round 2 swap.
* Annie made by Tammy. Can't remember or find the blog link :O( Sowwry Tammy!
Well - there's my collection of dolls.
I have made more dolls than I have in my collection. There's something about seeing each dolls personality emerge. No two are alike! No matter what pattern you use or how many of the same doll base you use - they're like snowflakes! Each is one of a kind!
I love collecting Raggedy Annie patterns. I love sewing Raggedy Annies!
Ok- I'm off to visit the party-goers! See their collections and/or stories! Thanks again for celebrating with me.
I will pick winners in each drawing in one week! Good Luck and Have fun!
Also- not to steal the spotlight- but I think this birthday girl also deserves the recognition of celebrating a Birthday today: Bai Yun. Happy Birthday Bai Yun! You're a great Mom!
Thanks for celebrating "America's Sweetheart" Raggedy Annie's Birthday with me folks!
I've got cuppycakes for y'all!
Special Surprise: Shweet Carm who made my graphic for me- is also giving a FREE Raggedy Ann graphic on her blog! Save/Upload to your computer! Thank you so much Carm! A link to her blog is on the Party-Goers list on the right of my blog! :O)
I have loved this red-headed cutie since I laid my eyes on my Gramma L's Raggedy Annie. I don't what kind it was, but I know it was a vintage one. She wouldn't let me play with that one, but she had another one that I was allowed to play with. We had lots of tea parties, pretend school days where I was the teacher and Annie was the student, lots of walks in the park with my Gramma L. Gramma had one of those vintage baby strollers that looked a lot like this one ...

Here's my collection of Raggedy Annies ... Click on the pic to zoom out
So sorry it's not the best, but it's kinda hard to take a digital photo when you have the light source in front of you and the blinds are horitzontal. It kept making the background look all fuzzy. I kept having to retake pictures, but this was the best out of the bunch!
In the Back Row at the ends- I have the big Raggedy Ann and Andy!
Then from the left-
* Annie in a green Christmas sweater w/ snowman - was gifted to me by my husband. He found it in a gift shop.
* Annie in her classic blue print dress and white apron. Also a gift from my hubby.
* Andy with a stain on his right side of the face- I found that at a yard sale. They were gonna throw it out and I didn't have the heart to pass it up. He was pleading to be rescued so I did! The tag is gone so I can't for sure say what brand he was.
* Annie with the missing hair in the front (kinda a bald spot) is an "Applause" style Annie. I bought her off of eBay when I was first scouting for Raggedy Ann collectibles.
* Annie & Andie set in burgundy outfits - I bought these from a woman who was going to give them away. They're custom made. They have matching burgundy outfits! Low key Prim. Cute!
* Annie in her Christmas outfit and white apron. She came with a small plastic ornament, which I can't for the life of me find. Hmmmm!
* Custom made Andy. I don't remember where I found this one. He has orange hair. A cutie! The girls like him *winks*
* Prim Annie with no shoes or stockings - Folks - don't laugh, but this is the first Annie I made years ago. It was a pattern by Ragg Bagg Babies. I made this one in 2001 Wow!
* Annie in pink. She is wearing pajamas and fluffy slippers. She has a small oatmeal teddy bear attached to her hand. This was a gift from my daughter! I have 2 *lol*
* Tiny Annie came with the Christmas Annie. Now that I am remembering all of these- it also came with an ornament, that I mentioned above - that I can't find, and I think it came with a story book too. Hmmm- I will have to look for this this year!
* My adorable pinkeep that I won at Cyndi's give away!
* My Breanna also made by Cyndi's blog give-away! I just love this to pieces!!
* Annie made by Nadine. We were partners in Aunt Pitty Pats Sugar & Spice Round 1 swap. She has a sweet faerie fabric outfit with matching bag.
* Annie made by Carla. We were partners for APP's Sugar & Spice Round 2 swap.
* Annie made by Tammy. Can't remember or find the blog link :O( Sowwry Tammy!
Well - there's my collection of dolls.
I have made more dolls than I have in my collection. There's something about seeing each dolls personality emerge. No two are alike! No matter what pattern you use or how many of the same doll base you use - they're like snowflakes! Each is one of a kind!
I love collecting Raggedy Annie patterns. I love sewing Raggedy Annies!
Ok- I'm off to visit the party-goers! See their collections and/or stories! Thanks again for celebrating with me.
I will pick winners in each drawing in one week! Good Luck and Have fun!
Also- not to steal the spotlight- but I think this birthday girl also deserves the recognition of celebrating a Birthday today: Bai Yun. Happy Birthday Bai Yun! You're a great Mom!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
It's almost time ...
Wow- 42 followers! Thanks y'all!
It's almost time to party and have fun! And remember to show and tell with us in BlogLand!
I'm working behind the scenes - taking pictures, prepping for the party and I must say - it's a lot of work, this is my 1st time, but it's also a lot of Fun! I'm excited!
Are you ready? :O)
It's almost time to party and have fun! And remember to show and tell with us in BlogLand!
I'm working behind the scenes - taking pictures, prepping for the party and I must say - it's a lot of work, this is my 1st time, but it's also a lot of Fun! I'm excited!
Are you ready? :O)
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